The new Mago4 Advanced Bank Management module allows you to generate the files for Credit Transfers and Direct Debits (SDD Core and B2B) directly in XML format, using the XML records valid within the SEPA area from February 1, 2014.
Mago4 – Advanced Bank Management
Advanced Bank Management of Mago4 also includes a specific procedure that enables you to print the SDD Mandates to be sent to the customer for subscription, even by mail. All texts and reports used in this procedure are fully customizable. Keep your bank customers/suppliers database up-to-date.
Mago4 specific procedure accesses via web services the updated files of Italian bank counters codes and numbers (Italian ABI and CAB codes), and simultaneously amends Mago4 data using the new list. In particular, you can download the complete file containing all bank branches, or you can download just the ones changed within the previous month. Finally, to simplify the process, you can choose to target your updates. For example, you can add bank branches not yet recorded in the bank customers/suppliers database, or disable the deleted ones and those acquired by other banks.
The update will concern not only bank customers/suppliers database, but also all open documents and entries.