The Conai module of Mago4 ERP allows you to set the parameters in order to calculate the automatic environmental contribution, generating its documents.
Mago4 – CONAI
Eco-contributions for the disposal of packaging? No worries with Mago4: the CONAI module is available for you.
With this module, Mago4 automatically calculates for you the Environmental Contribution to charge in the sales documents.
The Conai environmental contribution is applied to the “first transfer”, ie when the finished packaging passes from the Last Producer to the First User, or when the packaging material passes from a producer of raw (or semifinished) material to a self-producer.
Thanks to CONAI module Mago4 makes it possible to:
- define various types of packaging;
- associate the correct type of packaging with each item;
- impostare eventuali esenzioni di clienti e materiali;
- set any customer and materials exemptions;
- generate sales invoices charging the Conai Environmental Contribution;
- print out the data needed to draw up the packaging manufacturers’ declaration to be sent to CONAI.
With Mago4 you have at your disposal the packing types for materials, already classified according to Conai’s values, so everything is simpler. The amount of the forecast contribution for each ton is already indicated for every material. In any case it is always possible to add new materials, or modify those already present, for exceptional CONAI flexibility.
With Mago4, for each item it is possible to state what type of packaging material it is, also specifying whether it is primary or secondary/tertiary packaging. You can also indicate the unit weight in kg referred to the unit of measure of the item.
With Mago4 you can manage customer/material exemption according to the simplest procedure, if the company has purchased packaging or packaging materials subject to the Conai Environmental Contribution and has then exported these. It is possible to indicate which customers are exempted, specifying the percentage of exemption for each material. In the sales documents, the overall weight of the items-packaging sold is reduced by the extent of the exemption percentage so as to obtain the correct weight for the Conai Environmental Contribution calculation. Mago4 can manage any case, even the exemption where the packaging has been sold by a Manufacturer/Importer to another Manufacturer who then sells them to an User.
Thanks to the integration with the Sales Module, Mago4 allows you to calculate the Environmental Contribution in the automatically issued invoices. It is possible to:
- set the parameters to calculate the Conai Environmental Contribution;
- generate sales invoices with the Conai Environmental Contribution included;
- see and edit Conai entries or insert new ones;
- print out lists to control and verify the values present in the Conai entries in order to correctly draft the periodic declaration to be sent to CONAI.
In compliance with legislation, Mago4 enters the Conai Environmental Contribution directly onto your sales invoice, then in the immediate invoices, accompanying invoices and invoices generated by deferred invoicing procedures.
CONAI legislation provides that the Environmental Contribution must also be indicated in the importer’s sales invoices and in the sales invoices subsequent to the first transfer. In these cases the transferor may decide to indicate the Contribution by reference or including the wording “Conai Environmental Contribution paid”.
The sales invoice relative to the first transfer of packaging shows for each line of Environmental Contribution the type of material this refers to, the weight in tons subject to the Contribution, the unit value and the total value of the Environmental Contribution obtained by multiplying the weight by the unit value.
Is it near the deadline to send the periodical declaration to Conai? No problem, Mago4 provides you with a number of useful lists to check and verify the values in the Conai Entries, in order to draw up your declaration correctly and quickly.
You can print:
- a list of the types of packaging sold for each material, via the CONAI Contributions list. This list contains the data, ready to be reported on the Conai forms for the periodic declaration of packaging manufacturers;
- a list with the total value of Environmental Contribution due for each material, through the CONAI Contribution List by Material;
- a list of sales invoices for each material, through the List of sales invoices list by material.
If you are in the case of exemption from the Environmental Contribution, you can use a convenient list for the declaration that records for each customer all the quantities of exempt material sold, specifying for each one the company name and tax code, all data to be reported on the CONAI forms.
Some features:
- customer and material exemption
- calculation of Conai contribution
- parameter setting
- print into the invoice
- packaging details
- Conai entries
- checklists