You can integrate multiple aspects of your business, from data through people to processes, with modern, smart business applications, adaptable to changing needs.
Collaboration. Extended capacities. Endless possibilities
So much more than a ERP
Mago4 expands its potential with I.Mago: the new integrated ERP solution born from the meeting between the Mago4 ERP and the Infinity Zucchetti suite. I.Mago is an all-in-one ERP solution that offers a modern and flexible user experience, according to your needs. With a simple transition (like any other Mago4 update), I.Mago enhances the ERP by adding functionality beyond administrative, accounting and financial management.
New extended functionalities: collaborate, archive, sell, build customers loyalty
The best of the Client Server meets the potential of Infinity Zucchetti. Mago4 is enriched with new Collaboration, Document Management and Customer Relationship Management functions.
I.Mago works the same way as the tools you already use with Mago4, in perfect collaboration with Infinity Zucchetti to help you complete the most common tasks directly from the interface you are familiar with.
You can choose from several configurations:
1 – Collaboration + document management (IAF + DMS)
2 – Collaboration + document management + CRM Marketing (IAF + DMS + CRM MARKETING)
3 – Collaboration + document management + CRM Sales (IAF + DMS + CRM SALES)
4 – Collaboration + document management + CRM Marketing and Sales (IAF + DMS + CRM MARKETING + CRM SALES)
The collaboration, DMS and CRM functionalities are available in different configurations: you can choose which set-up best suits your needs, without having to purchase the complete package.

Choose the module that best suits your company. And when the needs of your company rise, I.Mago grows with you.
Build your own extended ERP
Corporate collaboration, shared desk! My Desk is the virtual desk of I.Mago, configurable by the user and full of useful gadgets to have always, everywhere and in real time the summary data of the tools of Infinity Zucchetti or Mago4. This data can be analysed and verified; it is also possible to call up the related managed directly if the software is installed on the device in use (PC, tablet, smartphone).
The mail client is perfectly integrated and usable by both Mago4 and Infinity, also via mobile, with the possibility of classifying e-mails and ” linking” them to the corresponding subjects so that they can be traced from the corresponding record.
All data are collected in the Infinity tab. The board guarantees a single management, accessible and updated in real time, with specific gadgets to always have the essential and useful data in your hands.

The Document Management System – DMS – of Infinity Zucchetti allows you to have available, always and everywhere, all the documents generated or archived both through Mago4 (e.g. PDF documents, article images, etc.) and through Infinity Zucchetti (e.g. mail, crm) and to have them automatically linked to the reference entity.
A customer’s documents can be viewed immediately from the Infinity Zucchetti customer card, from the Mago4 customer management, from the Infinity Zucchetti document lists where the presence of a document is highlighted.
A customer’s documents can be displayed from the Infinity Zucchetti customer tab, from Mago4 customer management and from Infinity Zucchetti document lists, where you can find the document highlighted.

Customer Relationship Management functions in Infinity cover pre-sales, after-sales and marketing, using CRM Marketing and CRM Sales tools.
The CRM Marketing allows the management of activities carried out by the company’s sales team and involving potential or existing customers, such as promotions, tours, emails, demos, campaigns, etc..
The CRM Sales, on the other hand, covers the advanced management of commercial negotiations, opportunities/ offers, CRM orders, historical operations, analysis functions, also through operational dashboards.
Orders and Offers can be submitted in Infinity Zucchetti using all Mago4 data, not only in terms of articles and relative search codes, but also in terms of prices, discounts, determined in real time according to the set up made in the ERP.